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En la facultad de arquitectura de la universidad San Pablo Ceu se ha planteado la ciudad de Makeni como ámbito para desarrollar propuestas abordadas desde diferentes asignaturas. A continuación se presentan proyectos elaborados por los alumnos en materia de planeamiento urbano, proyectos, instalaciones y construcción. Se incluyen también las investigaciones y maquetas producidas en el taller de fabricación digital (FabLab).

En el último apartado (Academic initiatives with other Universities) se muestra la actividad docente realizada en otras universidades, como el Instituto de Cooperación en Habitabilidad Básica (Ichab) o el grupo de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Urban planning

Ancla 1

The students develop urban proposals for different areas in the city of Makeni. The first works are focused on Ropolon area and the growth of the neighborhood, approaching its main problems. The last projects are located in the Unimak Fatima campus, studying new typologies and spatial configurations additional to the existing buildings.

Ancla 7

Since the year 2013 architecture students from the final year have the possibility of developing their final project (PFC) around the city of Makeni. The proposals are located in different areas of the city, including Ropolon neighborhood, Unimak, and new growing areas around Makeni.


Ancla 2

The following projects are located in Ropolon and Fatima campus and include a wide range of typologies, different uses and constuction methods. 

Mechanical Systems

Ancla 3

The works focus on the design of mechanical systems such as water, sanitation, ventilation, etc. as a key architectural element. The projects search and develop sustainable solutions taking in consideration the specific climate conditions and resources of Makeni.


Ancla 4

Each student designs a house paying special attention to its construction. The use of local materials such as wood and bamboo and the constructions methods proposed adapt to the context of Makeni.

FabLab Madrid CEU

Ancla 5

This is the Digital Fabricaton Laboratory from CEU University, that belongs to the world net of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms laboratories.

Academic initiatives with other Universities

Ancla 6
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